Extension Tubes vs. Macro Lenses
Should you buy a set of extension tubes and use them with a kit lens or invest in a dedicated macro lens from the beginning? Both have pros and cons you need to know before making the purchase, to save you time and money.
How to Improve Your Mushroom Photography
In this post, I’m going to explore the beautiful world of mushrooms through macro photography. I want to show you how you can get the most out of Autumn and the mushroom season.At the end of this post, you will also be equipped to capture gorgeous shots of mushrooms.
Macro Photography Lighting: Beginner Guide to Macro Photography
Do you struggle with macro photography lighting? In this article, I’ll give you practical, specific instructions for working with light.
Best Settings for Bird Photography
Bird photography can seem to be like a lottery at most times. I’ll share some of the best ways to nail down bird photography. Control the exposure by shooting in manual mode with auto-iso. Use a high shutter speed to set yourself up for succes in bird photography.
10 Useful Camera Accessories for Macro Photography
To improve your macro photography, you sometimes need to upgrade your macro lens or accessories. Get tips on great accessories for macro.